Autonomic neural control of heart rate during dynamic exercise: revisited

  • Daniel W. White
    Department of Integrative Physiology and Cardiovascular Research Institute University of North Texas Health Science Center Fort Worth TX USA
  • Peter B. Raven
    Department of Integrative Physiology and Cardiovascular Research Institute University of North Texas Health Science Center Fort Worth TX USA


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>The accepted model of autonomic control of heart rate (HR) during dynamic exercise indicates that the initial increase is entirely attributable to the withdrawal of parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) activity and that subsequent increases in HR are entirely attributable to increases in cardiac sympathetic activity. In the present review, we sought to re‐evaluate the model of autonomic neural control of HR in humans during progressive increases in dynamic exercise workload. We analysed data from both new and previously published studies involving baroreflex stimulation and pharmacological blockade of the autonomic nervous system. Results indicate that the PSNS remains functionally active throughout exercise and that increases in HR from rest to maximal exercise result from an increasing workload‐related transition from a 4 : 1 vagal–sympathetic balance to a 4 : 1 sympatho–vagal balance. Furthermore, the beat‐to‐beat autonomic reflex control of HR was found to be dependent on the ability of the PSNS to modulate the HR as it was progressively restrained by increasing workload‐related sympathetic nerve activity. In conclusion: (i) increases in exercise workload‐related HR are not caused by a total withdrawal of the PSNS followed by an increase in sympathetic tone; (ii) reciprocal antagonism is key to the transition from vagal to sympathetic dominance, and (iii) resetting of the arterial baroreflex causes immediate exercise‐onset reflexive increases in HR, which are parasympathetically mediated, followed by slower increases in sympathetic tone as workloads are increased.</jats:p>


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