

  • Microanalysis of metallic selenium by shortcircuit amperometric titration
  • タンラク デンリュウ テキテイホウ ニヨル キンゾク セレン ノ ビリョウ ブ
  • 回転白金電極を指示電極とする電流滴定法に関する分析化学的研究(第37報)



Metallic selenium was dissolved in concentrated nitric acid, and the resulting selenite ion was titrated with silver nitrate solution in an alkaline solution by short-circuit amperometric method using a rotating platinum wire electrode (1200 rpm) vs. SCE. The recommended procedure is as follows. Dissolve powdered selenium {(440) mg} with concentrated nitric acid {(0.30.5)ml} in a 20 ml weighing bottle at 110°C using a glycerin bath (5 min), continue heating until a syrup remains (10 min). Dilute the syrup with water to make 100 ml of the sample solution. Titrate an aliquot of the solution with 0.1 M silver nitrate solution amperometrically after adjusting the pH to 10 with sodium hydroxide solution. Metallic selenium was determined by the proposed method with the relative error and the coefficient of variation of 0.1 % at its weight from ca. 4mg to ca. 40 mg.


  • 分析化学

    分析化学 28 (12), T51-T53, 1979

    公益社団法人 日本分析化学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

