An automatic titrator for measurement of exchange capacity and titration curve of ion-exchanger.

  • OOBA Shigeki
    National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials, Science and Technology Agency

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  • イオン交換体の交換容量及び滴定曲線の測定のための自動滴定装置
  • イオン コウカンタイ ノ コウカン ヨウリョウ オヨビ テキテイ キョクセン

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An automatic titrator which allows the titration under the condition of a slow exchange rate was trially manufactured and tested using zirconium phoshate. This instrument consists of an ion meter, autopiston burette, digital multimeter and a personal computer. The results of each titration volume, pH and titration curve were recorded using the auto-matic titrator. The measurement time, of each titration volume and end point condition were variable in order to accommodate the user's request. In this study, standard measurement times (smt) for each titration volume were 1, 2 and 4h. When the smt did not satisfy the condition for an end point in each series of titration experiment, these smt were extended within the maximum measurement termination times (mmtt). These mmtt were set at 4h for smt of 1, 2 and 6h for smt of 4h, respectively. The titration curve for zirconium phosphate using sodium hydroxyde indicates two steps. At smt of 1h, the system did not reach equilibrium, which can be detected by two peaks appearing at the second equivalence point. It is possible to identify the second equivalence point by careful analysis of the titration record. The results are satisfactory for the smt of 1, 2 and 4h, though the curve of smt at 1h shows little difference from others, except for a more complicated structure at the second equivalence point.



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 40 (4), T87-T90, 1991

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

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