Chemical reaction mechanism in furnace atomization(Review)

  • IMAI Shoji
    Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences,The University of Tokushima;Tokushima 770-8502

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  • ファーネスアトマイゼーションにおける化学反応機構
  • ファーネスアトマイゼーション ニ オケル カガク ハンノウ キコウ

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The mechanistic behaviors of chemical reactions are reviewed together with those for the surface structure and chemical species in a graphite furnace for electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry.The nanostructure of a graphite surface and a kinetic analysis based on heterogeneous kinetics is also discussed along with the formation of individually dispersed atoms and clusters, gaseous chemical species, and the time-spatial inhomogeneities of atoms and molecules in the furnace cavity.A recent advancement concerning analysis of surface structure and chemical species is shown.It is briefly reviewed that these fundamental studies can be applied as a probe of surface interactions, a thermal reactor for ETV techniques, and a new furnace design.



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 49 (10), 719-733, 2000

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry


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