Determination of trace chromium(VI) in groundwater by XRF spectroscopy after precipitation with sodium dibenzyldithiocarbamate.

  • WATANABE Isami
    Department of Environmental Chemistry, Tokyo Polytechnic College

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  • ジベンジルジチオカルバミン酸ナトリウムを沈殿剤として用いた地下水中の微量クロム(VI)の蛍光X線分析法による定量
  • ジベンジルジチオカルバミンサン ナトリウム オ チンデンザイ ト シテ モチイ

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A method to determine trace levels of chromium(VI) in aqueous solution was investigated. The sample was concentrated by precipitation using sodium dibenzyldithiocarbamate(DBDTC), collected by filtrattion on a membrane filter, dried and then analyzed quantitatively using XRF. The best conditions to form complexes of 0100μg of Cr(VI) in 100 ml of aqueous solution with DBDTC were as follows : pH value approximately 4, aging time of approximately 15 min and an addition of approximately 3 ml of DBDTC (as a 1% solution in methanol). Under these conditions, a linear calibration curve was obtained in a range of 0100μg of Cr(VI)/100 ml. The lower detection limit was 0.07μg/100 ml. The effect of coexisting ions on the precipitation efficiency of 20μg of Cr(VI)/100 ml was examined. The addition of Ca(II), Mg(II), Fe(III), Cu(II), Si(IV), Na(I) and Cl-, up to 1000 μg of each, did not show any effect. The addition of 1000 μg of Cr(III) gave a slightly positive interference. The existence of more than 500 μg of Ni(II) or Zn(II) and more than 100 μg of Mn(II) gave negative deviation for the determination values. Groundwater from two different locations in the East Kanto district was measured. The Cr(VI) values obtained by the present and by JIS methods were in agreement with each other.



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 40 (2), T25-T29, 1991

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

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