

  • Study on proximate analysis of coal using thermobalance.
  • 熱はかりを用いた石炭の工業分析法の検討
  • ネツ ハカリ オ モチイタ セキタン ノ コウギョウ ブンセキホウ ノ ケント



The accuracy of a thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) for the determination of moisture, volatiles, fixed-carbon and ash in coal was investigated. The method consists of the following 4 sequential steps: (1) preparation: Load a 50 mg sample of constant humidity base coal to a thermobalance and purge high-purity nitrogen into a furnace. (2) moisture determination: Heat the sample up to 107 °C in a nitrogen atmospher and hold it at the temperature for 10 min. (3) volatiles determination: Increase furnace temperature up to 900 °C and hold at the temperature for 7 min. (4) fixed-carbon determination: Decrease furnace temperature to 815 °C and switch furnace environment from nitrogen to high-purity oxygen. After each procedure, the weight losses of each component were measured as percentages to the total sample weight. In regard to moisture, fixed-carbon and ash contents, the results by the TGA method were in good agreement with those of JIS method. For the volatiles, however, TGA showed a little lower values than those by JIS method.


  • 分析化学

    分析化学 34 (5), T51-T55, 1985

    公益社団法人 日本分析化学会

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