Formation of lead sulfate precipitate by precipitation from homogeneous solution with sulfamic acid.

  • SUZUKI Yukihiko
    Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University
  • KAMADA Hitoshi
    Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University

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The crystal growth process of lead sulfate precipitate was examined by using an optical microscope, a scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffractometry. Lead sulfate precipitate was produced by the precipitation from homogeneous solution (PFHS) method on the reaction time(0.56.0h)with lead nitrate(16.7×10-3M) and sulfamic acid{(16.783.5)×10-3M}aqueous solution at 100 °C. The thin layer plate of lozenge crystal appeared at the beginning of reaction and at low concentration of sulfamic acid (16.7 x 10-3M). With continuing precipitation, the size of the crystals grew larger and the shape of them transformed gradually from thin hexagonal to thick hexagonal plates and finally to rectangular octahedron crystals. At higher concentration of sulfamic acid, crystals went through these growing steps more rapidly and then grew by the layer growth process. The strongest X-ray diffraction line of the lattice planes of the precipitate formed changed gradually with preceeding the reaction as follows; (002)(initial stage)→(102)→(303)→(210)→(102) planes (final stage). And, at higher concentration of sulfamic acid, the lattice planes transfered rapidly in a short time from the initial to the final stage.



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 34 (7), 399-403, 1985

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

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