

  • Determination of copper in biological standard reference materials by ICP-AES utilizing a direct graphite cup insertion technique.
  • コクエン カップ チョクセツ シリョウ ドウニュウ ユウドウ ケツゴウ プラズ



ICP-AES of biological standard reference materials was investigated. Direct graphite cup insertion technique with microliter volume of the samples was used. The sample solution (20μl) was inserted into a graphite cup, which was placed into a modified plasma torch in the dry-ashing position. After dry-ashing for 20s, the graphite cup was transferred to the atomizing position, which was 2mm above the load coil. Emission signals of Cu at the wavelength of 324.754nm readings were taken every 20ms. Detection limits and precision of this method were 0.87ng ml-1 (3σ) and 2.9% (n=10) for 10ng ml-1 of Cu standard solution, respectively. Analytical results for Cu in the biological standard reference materials (NIES No.1, No.6 and NBS SRM 1571) with standard addition methods were in good agreement with the certified values for these materials.


  • 分析化学

    分析化学 40 (3), T47-T51, 1991

    公益社団法人 日本分析化学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

