Liquefaction Characteristics of Undisturbed and Remolded Samples with Equivalent Density and Shear Wave Velocity

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<p>To investigate liquefaction characteristics of undisturbed and remolded samples with same density and shear wave velocity, undrained cyclic triaxial tests were performed. High quality undisturbed samples were collected by Gel-Push sampling. Remolded samples were prepared by dry/wet tamping adjusting the specimen densities and the shear wave velocities almost same as the undisturbed sample. The results show, even though they have same density and shear wave velocity, the liquefaction behavior was different between the undisturbed and the remolded samples. The difference may be caused by a cementation effect by aging and/or an inherent anisotropy of the specimens.</p>



    SEISAN KENKYU 68 (6), 437-441, 2016

    Institute of Industrial Science The University of Tokyo

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