Work Function of Pt(111) Modified by Hyperthermal CH4 Molecular Beam.

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  • CH4分子による修飾されたPt(111)表面の仕事関数
  • CH4 ブンシ ニ ヨリ シュウショク サレタ Pt 111 ヒョウメン ノ シゴト カンスウ

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At various surface temperatures (400, 600 and 800 K), after irradiation of a hyperthermal CH4 molecular beam as much as 25000 L, the work function of the Pt (111) surface was measured by a Kelvin probe to find a relationship between the work function and the reaction products.<BR>It was found by HAS (Helium Atom Scattering), AES/LEED and work function measurements that a monolayer of the reaction products (ethylidyne, hydrocarbon and graphite) form only at the beam irradiated area. The species and the amount of these products depend on the surface temperature; a large amount of graphite at 800 K, a medium amount of hydrocarbon at 600 K and a small amount of ethylidyne at 400 K. The work function of the Pt (111) surface covered by graphite decreases as much as 0.8 eV from that of a clean Pt (111) surface. The work function of the Pt (111) surface covered by ethylidyne is nearly the same as that of hydrocarbon covered surface in spite of their difference in surface coverage. This seems to be attributed to the formation of the dipole caused by the charge transfer from, ethylidyne to Pt (111) surface.


  • Shinku

    Shinku 43 (7), 745-749, 2000

    The Vacuum Society of Japan

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