

  • What is the Standard Gravity
  • ヒョウジュン ジュウリョク トハ ナニ カ



According to the satellite observations of geoidal undulation, gravity anomaly is positive around Scandinavia, if it is calculated basing upon the standard gravity formula including only (n = 2 and 4, m = 0) term in the spherical harmonics expansion. So according to the principle of isostasy, the Scandinavian region must be subsiding as against what is oc curring there. It may be, however, that the mass anomaly responsible to the geoidal undulation exists deep (probably in the C layer, mesosphere) within the earth, and that the process responsible to the Scandinavian uplift occurrs in the shallower depths (probably in the B layer, asthenosphere). If such is the case, in order to get the gravity anomaly closely related to the Scandinavian uplift, we must take as the standard gravity not only (n = 2 and 4, m = 0) term but also higher order terms in spherical harmonics expansion derived from the corresponding expansion of the geoidal undulation. In short it is our proposition here that we must choose the standard gravity so as to get gravity anomaly which is agreeable with other geophysical and geological observations.


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