

  • Comparison Concerning the Results for Earth Tides Obtained with Gravimeters in Mizusawa, Japan
  • タスウ ノ ジュウリョクケイ ニ ヨル チキュウ チョウセキ ノ ドウジ ヒカク カンソク



Since the International Geophysical Year, gravimetric tidal observations were made at many stations in the world. But the obtained values of tidal factor and phase lag of gravity show fairly large fluctuations with time even at the same station, and they are too large to be attributed only to observational errors. In order to investigate the causes of such fluctuations, simultaneous observations of earth tides with four Askania gravimeters and two LaCoste & Romberg gravimeters were made from August 30 to November 17, 1968 at the International Latitude Observatory of Mizusawa. In succession, simultaneous field survey including two other LaCoste & Romberg gravimeters was carried out for the purpose of calibrating the scale constant of the gravimeters along the route from Mizusawa to Hachinohe (gravity difference is approximately 210 mgal). The results obtained through the present investigations are as follows:(1) There appears to be the discrepancy among the gravimeter type.(2) Large fluctuations of the tidal factor recognized by the Askania Gs-11 gravimeters amount to about ±35%, and it may be considered that they are mainly due to non-linearity of the recording system.(3) It is to be noted that trustworthy results cannot to be expected so far as continuous observations of earth tides are made by a single gravimeter.


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