海底傾斜計の開発 II


  • Development of the Ocean Bottom Tiltmeter (2)
  • カイテイ ケイシャケイ ノ カイハツ 2



We have been developing an ocean bottom tiltmeter applicable to continuous tilt observation in the ocean area. In the former paper [1], the purpose of the development, the concept of the design, the structure and the character of tiltsensors were described. In this paper we deal with the latter part of development. After we successfully carried out the long term stability test of tiltsensors combined with the attitude control apparatus, the underwater part was finally assembled and the final long term stability test was done in the vault of Tateyama Observatory (GSI) to reveal no problem. Then the tiltmeter was installed on the free surface of the sea bottom of 20m depth off Hiratsuka in Sagami Bay. Observation showed that the drift rate is very high especially at the time of stormy weather. Since the original purpose of the experiment was to determine whether or not it is possible to carry out tilt observation in and on a sand layer, we decided to bury the tiltmeter in the sand layer in order to avoid wave effects. In October 1982 the tiltmeter was removed 10m to the south from the previous location and was buried at 2-3m depth. To get better coupling with the sand layer of high N-value, a four-foot steel platform was adopted under the tiltmeter. After burial, the drift rate decreased rapidly to a present mean value of about 5μrad/month. Thus, we conclude that it is possible to detect short term tilt change of the order of 1μrad by an ocean bottom tiltmeter in a sand layer.


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