

  • The Chandlerian Period based on the principle of minimum excitation.
  • 最小励起の原理から求められたチャンドラー周期〔英文〕
  • サイショウ レイキ ノ ゲンリ カラ モトメラレタ チャンドラー シュウキ エ



Up to the present, the Chandlerian Period has been defined as the mean period of the revolution of the pole around its mean position. However, as the motion of the excitation pole does not contain the Chandlerian component, we can determine the length of the Chandlerian Period under the condition that the motion of the excitation pole attains to minimum after elimination of the Chandlerian component. It is calculated as 416 (mean solar) days. It means the period deduced from the angular velocity of the pole around the instantaneous excitation pole, and is to match better those deduced from the theory of the internal constitution of the earth. The calculated results using the recent data of ERP in high precision show that the Chandlerian Period in this sense seems to have a reality.


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