

  • Universal program for adjustment of any geodetic network (PAG-U).
  • 測地観測量網平均汎用プログラムの現状〔英文〕
  • ソクチカン ソクリョウモウ ヘイキン ハンヨウ プログラム ノ ゲンジョウ エ



Fourteen years have elapsed since the first paper on the Universal Program for adjusting strictly any geodetic network, which consists of four kinds of observations suchas side length, azimuth, angle and direction, was presented in the Bulletin of the Geographical Survey Institute, Japan (vol. 12, 1966). The program had been frequently improved according to the development of computer and the advancement of science. Im-portant improvements had been reported in the Journals of the Geodetic Society of Japan every time they were added to the program. There are, however, some important remarks which have not been mentioned in these papers. Nowadays, the improvement of the program seems to be sluggish. Under these circumstances reviewing total flow of the program including these remarks will be useful for persons using the program or considering introduction of the program.


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