Analysis of the Relationship between Land Surface Temperature Change and Land Cover Change in Tokyo Using LANDSAT/TM Data.
- (財) リモート・センシング技術センター
- (財) リモート・センシング技術センター
- (財) リモート・センシング技術センター
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- Other Title
- LANDSAT/TMデータによる東京都の地表面温度変化と土地被覆変化との関連解析
- LANDSAT TM データ ニヨル トウキョウト ノ チヒョウメン オンド
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This paper aims to extract land surface temperature change in Tokyo and to analyze relation ship between land surface temperature change and land cover change. Land surface temperature patterns were derived from LANDSAT/TM Band6 data acquired at night in the summer of 1984 and 1994.Land cover patterns were obtained by the classification of TM data of corresponding periods. The higher-temperature zone had expanded from the center part of Tokyo to the suburbs in the west which had been urbanized in ten years. Land surface temperature change in the areas urbanized before 1984 was also investigated.In those areas, temperature difference between the city center and the surrounding regions reduced in ten years and it was proved that the reduction rate correlated with the urbanization rate. These results indicate that land surface temperature in the suburbs has been getting higher and closer to that of the city center in Tokyo due to urbanization.
- Journal of the Japan society of photogrammetry and remote sensing
Journal of the Japan society of photogrammetry and remote sensing 35 (2), 27-30, 1996
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204076490112
- NII Article ID
- 10002049807
- NII Book ID
- AN00111450
- 18839061
- 02855844
- 3959332
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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