- 高梨 祐司
- 千葉県環境部水質保全課 (日大・文理・応用地学科)
- タイトル別名
- Photogeological Survey, Supplemented by the Analysis of a Summit Level Map, of the Nishitama Area, Northwest of Tokyo
- コウクウ シャシン オヨビ セッポウメン ニ ヨル チシツ オヨビ チシツ コウゾウ ノ ハンドク トウキョウト ニシタマグン フキン ニ ツイテ
- 東京都西多摩郡付近について
This is a report of a photogeological survey, supplemented by the analysis of a summit level map, of the Nishitama area, easternmost part of the Kanto Mountains.<BR>For the interpretation of lithology and structures of the area, the author has prepared a drainage map on a scale of 1: 20, 000 by means of radial intersection method. Maps showing drainage density and its frequency have been compiled from this map, for the purpose of quantitative drainage network analysis. In addition to these, a summit level map, which may represent macro-relief produced by tectonic movements as well as rock-controlled land-forms, has been compiled using topographic maps on a scale of 1: 50, 000.<BR>The photogeological survey of the area, the geology of which consists of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks, has been carried out with an aid of these maps and field investigations. The main results obtained by this survey are summarized as follows:<BR>1) From the drainage pattern, the difference in the shape of ridges and vegetation types, the area composed of sandstone, and the area where chert or limestone is intercalated can be distinguished.<BR>2) The NW-SE trending geological structure, predominant in this area, is identified from both the drainage map and the drainage frequency map. It seems probable that the areas of high drainge density and frequency would correspond to the areas where many fractures originated from faults are found.<BR>3) The direction of photographic lineaments and stream courses reflect well the geological structural trend of this area. While photogeologic lineaments coincide with faults, the direction of photogeologic fractures and stream courses, excluding those parallel to the photogeologic lineaments, is presumed to correspond to the strike of strata or joints.<BR>4) The summit level map is useful for the analysis of geological structures.
- 写真測量
写真測量 13 (2), 23-33, 1974
社団法人 日本写真測量学会
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390001204077012096
- 130004123892
- AN0011144X
- 18843980
- 05494451
- 7554324
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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