2. 平成25年台風第26号による伊豆大島の災害の 空中写真撮影と判読-国土地理院の対応


  • Aerial Photographing and Photo-interpretation of 2013 Disaster by the Typhoon No. 26 in Izu Oshima Island -GSI's activities-
  • 平成25年台風第26号による伊豆大島の災害の空中写真撮影と判読 : 国土地理院の対応
  • ヘイセイ 25ネン タイフウ ダイ26ゴウ ニ ヨル イズ オオシマ ノ サイガイ ノ クウチュウ シャシン サツエイ ト ハンドク : コクド チリイン ノ タイオウ
  • Aerial Photographing and Photo-interpretation of 2013 Disaster by the Typhoon No. 26 in Izu Oshima Island -GSI's activities-



Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) provides information useful to rescue operations and reconstruction for the related organizations which intensively act against actual natural disasters. Typhoon No. 26, which atacked Izu Oshima Island on 15 and 16, October 2013, caused severe damages by debris flow due to heavy rain. GSI urgently took aerial photographs of disaster-affected areas on October 16 (oblique photos) and October 17 (vertical photos) andreleased them with their orthophotos. GSI also provided the website for a smooth provision of various geospatial information which is available to the activities related to the disaster, including results of photo-interpretation.


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