
  • 渡辺 邦治
    富士フイルムグローバルグラフィックシステムズ (株) 生産開発本部開発センター


  • Challenges of Environmental Measures for Offset Printing Factories
  • オフセット インサツ コウジョウ ノ カンキョウ アンゼン タイサク ノ カダイ



In this report, we describe environmental measures that have recently been applied in lithographic printing factories. In recent years, the Japanese lithographic printing industry has responded to environmental compliance issues associated with the Ordinance on Prevention of Organic Solvent Poisoning and the revised Water Pollution Control Law (June 2012 revision). Environmental issues in the plate-making process include wastes produced by the development process and the gum treatment process. In recent years, waste reduction devices have been installed for the developer. The environmental performance of the plate-making process is excellent using the untreated computer-to-plate process released in 2004. In the printing process, isopropanol (IPA) in the fountain solution and the cleaning solvents for ink have been the primary focus. For the ink cleaning solvents, we selected petroleum fractions consistent with the organic solvent poisoning prevention method (mineral spirits), because there was no good alternative. However, the EU has recently switched to safer cleaning solvents in response to the European Solvent Directive. Until recently, IPA-free fountain solutions have mainly consisted of safer glycol ether compounds. However, fountain solutions have become available that are nearly zero-volatiles, allowing the use of fountain solution technology that is free of organic solvents.


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