化学的風化作用に伴う石膏の生成と源岩鉱物組成との関係  秋田県男鹿半島女川層堆積岩の例


  • Relationship between Gypsum Formation due to Chemical Weathering and Mineral Composition of Original Rocks. A Case Study of the Onnagawa Sedimentary Rocks in Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture, Japan.
  • カガクテキ フウカ サヨウ ニ トモナウ セッコウ ノ セイセイ ト ゲンガン コウブツ ソセイ ト ノ カンケイ アキタケン オガ ハントウ オンナガワソウ タイセキガン ノ レイ
  • Sedimentary Rocks in Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture, Japan
  • 秋田県男鹿半島女川層堆積岩の例



Mineralogical studies on two types of Miocene sedimentary rocks (shale and siliceous shale) in the Oga Peninsula, northern part of Japan indicate that (1) weathered shale contains gypsum, while weathered siliceous shale does not, and (2) carbonates are abundant in unweathered shale, but they are poor and feldspar is abundant in unweathered siliceous shale.<BR>The calculations on the change in groundwater chemistry due to the dissolution of calcite and feldspar indicates that gypsum is formed by the calcite dissolution but it is difficult to be formed by the feldspar dissolution. The mineralogical studies and the dissolution calculations suggest that the mineralogical composition of original sedimentary rocks is important factor controlling gypsum formation, together with pyrite abundance in the original rocks and humidity.


  • 応用地質

    応用地質 43 (3), 134-142, 2002

    一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会

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