結晶片岩の岩盤クリープ I  関東山地三波川帯の地質構造と地すべり地形との関連


  • Mass rock creep of crystalline schist. Part 1. The relationship between geologic structures and landslide topographies in the Sambagawa terain in the Kanto mountainous land.
  • ケッショウ ヘンガン ノ ガンバン クリープ 1 カントウ サンチ サンバガワ
  • The Relationship between Geologic Structures and Landslide Topographies in the Sambagawa Terrain in the Kanto Mountainous Land
  • 関東山地三波川帯の地質構造と地すべり地形との関連



Geological and geomorphological invesigation was performed in the Kanto mountainous land to study the relationship between geology and landslide topographies in the Sambagawa terrain where crystalline schist is distributed. Landslide topographies were found to be abundant in pelitic and basic schist ranges and scarce in siliceous schist, psammitic schist, and massive basic rock ranges. It was elucidated that the landslide topographies have the size and the moving direction, both are controlled by the attitude of the basement rocks. The landslide topographies that show the movement about parallel with the dip direction of the basement rocks exceed the other landslide topographies in their number and in their size.


  • 応用地質

    応用地質 25 (4), 182-194, 1984

    一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会

被引用文献 (10)*注記



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