Loosening Process of Surface Area in Weathered Granite and Infiltration of Rainwater to Excavated Slope. Evaluation using Geophysical Exploration and Observed Field Data.

  • SUZUKI Koichi
    Department of Geosphere Environmental Science, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
  • ITO Eiki
    Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
  • CHIGIRA Masahiro
    Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University

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Other Title
  • 風化花こう岩表層の緩みと斜面内部への降雨の浸透  物理探査と実測データを用いた検討
  • フウカ カコウガン ヒョウソウ ノ ユルミ ト シャメン ナイブ エ ノ コウウ ノ シントウ ブツリ タンサ ト ジッソク データ オ モチイタ ケントウ
  • Evaluation using Geophysical Exploration and Observed Field Data
  • 物理探査と実測データを用いた検討

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We monitored behavior of rainwater infiltration using an electrical survey and a TDR method at slopes site consist of weathered coarse-grained granite that had been excavated 12 years before. We also visualized the loosened zone depended on weathering using an electrical survey, a seismic reflection method, and a penetration test. In addition, we investigated the loosening process by measuring physical properties and observing rock textures of weathered granite samples. The results are as follows: 1) Infiltration of rainwater into the ground was successfully visualized using electrical method, which indicated that a surface part of weakly weathered granite, to a depth of 1m from the slope surface, has experienced wetting and drying cycles according to heavy rain and dry periods. The TDR data showed that water content by volume increased from some 10% at dry periods to some 20% by heavy rainfall. Water content decreased rapidly after the end of rainfall. 2) Weakly weathered granite in the lower parts decreased bulk density about 0.4gf/cm3, N10-values to 3-15, and increases porosity by some 10%. These changes have reached to a depth of 40cm from the slope surface. In contrast, strongly weathered granite did not change noticeably its bulk density, N10-values, and porosity after the excavation. 3) Saturation, porosity, and water content profiles which were analyzed using resistivity and P wave velocity data matched to the results by the TDR method and the penetration test. 4) Above mentioned, it is inferred that weathered granite in the study site increased the number of micro-cracks and widened their apertures in the surface part of slopes in response to stress release and the repetition of wetting and drying, and resultantly it became deteriorated during 12 years. These changes occur remarkably in weakly weathered granite than in heavily weathered zone.


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