Hydraulic Analysis on Groundwater Behavior Around Partially Penetrated Cut-Off Wall
- SATO Kuniaki
- 埼玉大学工学部
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- Other Title
- 部分貫入しゃ水による地下水挙動の水理解析
- ブブン カンニュウ シャスイ ニヨル チカスイ キョドウ ノ スイリ カイセキ
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In recent years, a large-scale cut-off wall has been constructed to cut the seepage flow of aquifers in those cases as the excavation works, the underground works and the underground dam in order to store the water resources in this country. It is very important to know several hydraulic effects of cut-off wall, such as the relation between the flow rate and penetration depth of wall, and the groundwater behavior resulting from the penetrated wall.<BR>This paper presents theoretically how to find the change of seepage flow rate and groundwater head by the partially penetrated cut-off wall on the basis of Aravin & Numerov theory. For the sake of practical use, the computation technique of hydraulic quantities under required conditions was proposed by the graph utilization method. The validity of method and theory was confirmed by some experiments of Hele-Shaw model.
- Journal of the Japan Society of Engineering Geology
Journal of the Japan Society of Engineering Geology 23 (4), 214-220, 1982
Japan Society of Engineering Geology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204096166272
- NII Article ID
- 110003356270
- NII Book ID
- AN00026635
- 18840973
- 02867737
- 2572079
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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- Disallowed