- 仁田 善雄
- 共用試験実施機構 東京医科歯科大学医歯学教育システム研究センター
- 前川 眞一
- 東京工業大学大学院社会理工学研究科
- 柳本 武美
- 統計数理学研究所
- 前田 忠彦
- 統計数理学研究所
- 吉田 素文
- 共用試験実施機構 東京医科歯科大学医歯学教育システム研究センター
- 奈良 信雄
- 共用試験実施機構 東京医科歯科大学医歯学教育システム研究センター
- 石田 達樹
- 東京医科歯科大学医歯学教育システム研究センター
- 福島 統
- 共用試験実施機構 東京医科歯科大学医歯学教育システム研究センター
- 齋藤 宣彦
- 共用試験実施機構医学系問題評価分科
- 福田 康一郎
- 共用試験実施機構医学系試験問題作成分科
- 高久 史麿
- 共用試験実施機構
- 麻生 武志
- 共用試験実施機構 東京医科歯科大学医歯学教育システム研究センター
- タイトル別名
- Statistical Analysis with the Item-Response Theory of the First Trial of the Computer-Based Nationwide Common Achievement Test in Medicine
- コウモク ハンノウ リロン オ モチイタ ダイ1カイ キョウヨウ シケン イガクケイ CBT ノ トウケイ カイセキ
Data from the first trial of the computer-based nationwide common achievement test in medicine, carried out from February through July in 2002, were analyzed to evaluate the applicability of the item-response theory. The trial test was designed to cover 6 areas of the core curriculum and included a total of 2791 items. For each area, 3 to 40 items were chosen randomly and administered to 5693 students in the fourth to sixth years; the responses of 5676 of these students were analyzed with specifically designed computer systems. Each student was presented with 100 items. The itemresponse patterns were analyzed with a 3-parameter logistic model (item discrimination, item difficulty, and guessing parameter). The main findings were: 1) Item difficulty and the percentage of correct answers were strongly correlated (r=-0.969to-0.982). 2) Item discrimination and the point-biserial correlation were moderately strongly correlated (r=0.304 to 0.511). 3) The estimated abilities and the percentage of correct answers were strongly correlated (r=0.810 to 0.945). 4) The mean ability increased with school year. 5) The correlation coefficients among the 6 curriculum area ability scores were less than 0.6. Because the nationwide common achievement test was designed to randomly present items to each student, the item-response theory can be used to adjust the differences among test sets. The first trial test was designed without considering the item-response theory, but the second trial test was administered with a design better suited for comparison. Results of an analysis of the second trial will be reported soon.
- 医学教育
医学教育 36 (1), 3-9, 2005
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390001204099446144
- 130004004940
- 10016683665
- AN00013280
- 21850453
- 03869644
- 7244266
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles
- 抄録ライセンスフラグ
- 使用不可