

  • Sports lifestyle and community sentiments of sports participants
  • スポーツ サンカシャ ノ スポーツ ライフ スタイル ト コミュニティ カンジ



The purpose of this study was to empirically classify sports participants by sports lifestyle (SLS), and to asses the relationships between SLS and community sentiments. The AIO approach was used to operationnalise the SLS. A battery of AIO statements partly based on the literature, was developed specifically for this study. The data for this study were collected from a total of 526 sports participants at two sports facilities located in metropolitan Tokyo. Factor analysis was performed to identify the factor structure underlying SLS. Then based on the results of factor analysis, the sample was classified into five clusters by cluster analysis (Ward's method). Further, the community sentiment scores for each group were compared with the scores for the other groups. The main results are as follows: 1. Eight SLS factors were identified and named: (1) fashion, (2) communication, (3) spectator, (4) health oriented, (5) community, (6) arts, (7) leisure oriented and (8) victory. 2. Sports participants were classified into five groups by cluster analysis, based on factor analysis and identified by SLS profiles: (1) athletes, (2) sport mates, (3) community participation, (4) opinion leaders and (5) personal participants. 3. Some differences were emerged between the groups regarding community sentimens. 1) The athletes and the personal participants showed low scores not only on overall community sentiments but also on the factor scores "communication" and "community". 2) The sport mates also had low scores on overall community sentiments. However, they had the highest factor scores in the five groups on "communication". 3) The community participation and the opinion leaders had high scores on overall community sentiments, and also had d high factor scores on "community". These results suggest that the sports participant's SLS correlates with community sentiments, and it is possible that sport might have a more positive effect on community development if programs were designed taking SLS into consideration.


  • 体育学研究

    体育学研究 41 (6), 437-448, 1997

    一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

