体育の単元過程にみる各授業場面の推移パターンの検討 : 小学校跳び箱運動の授業分析を通して


  • An examination of the time transition pattern allotted to episodes of teaching in gymnastic units at elementary school
  • 体育単元過程にみる各授業場面の推移パターンの検討:小学校跳び箱運動の授業分析を通して
  • タイイク タンゲン カテイ ニ ミル カク ジュギョウ バメン ノ スイイ パターン ノ ケントウ ショウガッコウ トビバコ ウンドウ ノ ジュギョウ ブンセキ オ トオシテ



A study was conducted to examine relationships among the times allotted to each episode of teaching(instruction, management, motor learning, cognitive learning), the frequency of teacher feedback behavior, and student evaluation of physical education classes, in units of elementary school physical education.By analyzing these relationships, it was hoped to be able to find an effective transition pattern of episodes of teaching and teacher feedback behavior, thus improving the student evaluation score.The main findings were as follows:1)After analyzing 6 gymnastic units, 4 units showed the same tendency.In the first half of the units, teachers allotted plenty of time to instruction episodes.As the units continued, times for instruction episodes gradually decreased.Also, times for management episodes in the three units decreased in the latter half of the units.On the other hand, the time for motor learning episodes and the frequency of teacher feedback behavior increased slowly in the latter half of the units.Corresponding to these trends, student evaluation scores increased.2)However, 2 units did not show this tendency.In these units, the student evaluation scores did not increase.This was caused by two problem.One teacher with poor skills spent too much time on management and could not give enogh time to motor learning.In the other teacher, despite allowing enough time for motor learning and giving active feedback behavior, the learning task for students was too difficult to achieve.


  • 体育学研究

    体育学研究 45 (4), 489-502, 2000

    一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会

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