Cross-Field Current-Driven Electrostatic Instabilities and Plasma Heating in a Counterstreaming Electron-Beams--Plasma System

  • Yatsui Kiyoshi
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
  • Irie Takashi
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
  • Furumi Masatomo
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
  • Imai Tsuyoshi
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
  • Yatsuzuka Mitsuyasu
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Himeji Institute of Technology


  • Cross-Field Current-Driven Electrostatic Instabilities and Plasma Heating in a Counterstreaming Electron-Beams—Plasma System
  • Cross Field Current Driven Electrostati



Experimental studies are presented of the wave characteristics and associated plasma heating in a system composed of two counterstreaming electron beams and a longitudinally magnetized inhomogeneous plasma. Such an injection of two beams makes the plasma potential strongly negative, and produces the cross-field current. Three types of electrostatic instabilities are excited by the cross-field current, i.e., lower-hybrid instability, ion-cyclotron harmonic instability, and modified ion-cyclotron instability. As the latter two instabilities grow strongly, nonlinear wave mixing develops between them. Corresponding to the rapid growth of these instabilities, substantial ion and electron heating takes place in the direction perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic field, respectively. Heating mechanism of ions is also discussed, and it is found that the energetic ion production is attributed to the lower-hybrid turbulent heating.


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