Single- and Multi-Nucleon Transfer Reactions Induced by Oxygen Ions on Boron 10 and 11



The excitation curves of the differential cross section at a center-of-mass angle of 90° for the transfer reactions, 10B(16O, 15O)11B, 10B(16O, 15N)11C, 10B(16O, 14N)12C, 10B(16O, 17O)9B, 10B(16O, 17F)9Be, 10B(16O, 20Ne)6Li, 11B(16O, 15N)12C, 11B(16O, 14N)13C, 11B(16O, 17O)10B, 11B(16O, 18F)9Be and 11B(16O, 20Ne)7Li, leaving the reaction products in their ground states, were investigated by using the oxygen ions accelerated in the Kyoto University tandem accelerator. Measurements have been made for energies near and above the Coulomb barrier appropriate to the 16O+10B and 16O+11B colliding systems. To distinguish these reactions from other events, the two product particles were identified by means of the two-detector fast-slow type coincidence system. The single-nucleon transfers show smooth energy dependence and the multi-nucleon transfers exhibit complicated energy dependence. The smooth excitation curves increase sharply with energy around the Coulomb barrier and level off at energies just barely touching. The differential cross sections are strongly Q dependent. The cross sections for pick-up transfers are about 2.3 times as large on an average for 10B as for 11B. The transfer-reaction data are compared with the predictions of the tunneling theory, and good agreement was found for the initial rise of the smooth excitation curves.


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