Particle Orbits in a Heliotron Magnetic Field

  • Amano Tsuneo
    Department of Nuclear Science, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
  • Murakami Masanori
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
  • Outi Akizi
    Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University



The motion of individual charged particles in a Heliotron magnetic field, which is an axialsymmetrically corrugated field with zero-field points, is investigated. The effective potential is introduced to describe the motion in the (r, z) plane, and the conditions for the trapping of the particle inside the neutral line (the line of force passing through the zero-field points) are obtained in terms of the particle energy and canonical angular momentum. The particle orbits are calculated numerically on an electronic computer. The adiabaticity of the magnetic moment of the particle is examined from the calculations, and three classes of orbits; (i) adiabatic, (ii) moderately adiabatic and (iii) non-adiabatic orbits are distinguished. The azimuthal drift and the longitudinal invariant of the particle are also examined.


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