The history of the system development of JOIS(<Series>Footsteps of information retrieval service pioneers (3))

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  • JOIS開発のあゆみ(<連載>オンライン情報検索:先人の足跡をたどる(3))
  • オンライン情報検索:先人の足跡をたどる(3)JOIS開発のあゆみ
  • オンライン ジョウホウ ケンサク センジン ノ ソクセキ オ タドル 3 JOIS カイハツ ノ アユミ

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Japanese-language online information retrieval system, JOIS, developed by the Japan Information Center of Science and Technology (JICST now JST) was released in 1976 as a English/Kana-based system with dedicated terminals and dedicated communication lines. Accessing through dial-up telephone lines using publicly available terminals was realized in 1978. Displaying Kanji characters was realized in 1979 using the dedicated system. JOIS-II, introduced in 1981, allowed displaying Kanji characters using dial-up line terminals. JOIS-III allowed searching by Kanji characters in 1990, and JOIS-IV, released in 1997, was compatible with the internet environment. JOIS-IV's services was closed in 2003 replaced by the New JOIS using STN's Messenger software. This paper mainly describes early and middle stage of the system development of the JOIS system.


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