About Identity and Sustainability by Area Management for Urban Regeneration Project at Industrial Site
- Kinoshita Isami
- Chiba University, Graduate School of Horticulture
- Hans Binder
- University of Applied Science of Berne, Burgdorf
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- Other Title
- 工場跡地の都市再生のためのエリアマネジメントにおけるアイデンティティと持続可能性に関して
- About identity and sustainability by area management for urban regeneration project at industrial site: a report focusing on the case of SulzerAreal, Switzerland
- スイスのズルツァー・アレアルの事例報告
- A Report Focusing on the case of SulzerAreal, Switzerland
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This paper addresses the role of identity for the sustainable area management, especially focusing on the case of SulzerAreal in Winterthur, Switzerland, which was formerly a heavy industrial site but now is on the process of a slow development by the management of the urban regeneration scheme. From this case study, these following points were made clear. 1) The process oriented management has been involving different investors and create a new style of partnership management with other bodies by the combination of in-between use and new development. On this process, the role of professionals to concern with local identity should be remarked. 2) The identity of the place is created by the mixture of new and old, such as new and old buildings, landscapes, interiors, and exteriors. These become the key factors for branding local identity and also sustainability. 3) SulzerAreal is unique because they operate with an open masterplan, which is an advanced method of leading the plan without determination and generates the local identity with the relation to sustainability.
- Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 46 (1), 31-36, 2011
The City Planning Institute of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204212201472
- NII Article ID
- 130004567230
- 10030388451
- NII Book ID
- AN10276504
- 21850593
- 09160647
- 11284464
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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