Economic Impact Study of Kurokabe Square, Nagahama, Shiga, and Its Policy Implication
- Kakiuchi Emiko
- National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
- Hayashi Takashi
- Policy Research Institute,Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
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- Other Title
- 滋賀県長浜市黒壁スクエアにおける観光消費の経済波及効果と政策的インプリケーション
- シガケン ナガハマシ クロカベ スクエア ニ オケル カンコウ ショウヒ ノ ケイザイ ハキュウ コウカ ト セイサクテキ インプリケーション
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Kurokabe Inc. is a “third sector” company , conducting artistic glassware blowing at Kurokabe Square, Nagahama, and preserving historic buildings, since 1988. We estimate the economic impact caused by 1.16 million visitors purchasing goods at Kurokabe and nearby shops, spending on parking lots, and hotels/accommodations, which led to a total economic impact of 2,313 million yen (a multiplier of 1.53) in Shiga Prefecture during the calendar year 1995. We conclude that Kruokabe Inc. has had a great economic impact on the region. MHowever a balance sheet analysis of Kruokabe Inc. shows that careful management is required to improve profits and maintain their competitive edge in the artistic glassware market. It should make more investment in glassware blowing production rather than restoring historic buildings, and it is necessary for Kurokabe to have more assistance from nearby shops which benefit greatly from Kurokabe's activities in coordination with the city of Nagahama..
- Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 40.1 (0), 30-39, 2005
The City Planning Institute of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390001204214067584
- NII Article ID
- 10019771504
- 130006776095
- NII Book ID
- AN10276504
- 21850593
- 09160647
- 7846251
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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