Equilibrium and Optimum Location Problem of Housings and Jobs with Constrained Capacity

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  • 容量制約を考慮した職住分布の均衡・最適配置問題
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  • The Analysis of 10 Cities in Japan
  • 国内10都市の実データに基づく分析例

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In this paper, we propose a new calculation method of equilibrium and optimum distribution of housings and jobs theoretically in the urban model with constrained capacity. When we formulate the problem, we adopt not only commuting travel cost, but working travel cost and discomfort cost caused by the density of each nodes. Moreover, we show that the problem will be quadratic programming problem using reformulation-linearization technique and we apply the urban model to 10 cities in Japan and estimate cost parameters with user equilibrium assignment model. Furthermore, we derive the optimum distribution and describe the characters of parameters and urban morphology’s change for forecasting urban future.



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