A Land Market Model for Analysis of Brownfield Problems

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  • 土地市場におけるマッチングを考慮したブラウンフィールド発生機構のゲーム論的分析
  • トチ シジョウ ニ オケル マッチング オ コウリョ シタ ブラウンフィールド ハッセイ キコウ ノ ゲームロンテキ ブンセキ

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Brownfields are defined as abandoned, idled or under-used industrial and commercial sites where expansion or redevelopment is compiled by real or perceived soil contamination. Brownfields are now commonly seen in many countries and appear as a non-negligible problem also in Japan. This paper develops a matching model in land market in order to examine a mechanism of brownfields problem. Change of land types, property value and transaction structure of land are incorporated. We declare contaminated lands of low profitability or with high expense on countermeasures tend to be under-used. Furthermore, we examine the effectiveness of the present policy and discuss alternatives towards brownfield problem.



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