有害金属の生体内挙動に関する研究 (第3報)


  • Studies on the Fate of Poisonous Metals in Experimental Animal (III)
  • ユウガイ キンゾク ノ セイタイナイ キョドウ ニカンスルケンキュウ 3 11
  • Distribution and Transference of <sup>115m</sup>Cd in Pregnant Rat and Fetus
  • <sup>115m</sup>Cdの母体内分布と胎仔への移行, 分布について



Distribution of 115mCd in pregnant rat, transference to fetus and distribution in fetal organs were investigated by means of intraveneous injection of 115mCdCl2 solution to dam at 20th day after mating, dissection at 1hr later and measurement of radioactivities.<br>In the pregnant rat, the thickest accumulation of radioactivity in liver, and much thicker concentration in pancreas, pituitary, kidney and adrenal than in blood were found. Besides, 24.6% of dose remained in gastrointestinal tract.<br>The transference of 115mCd to fetus was not so remarkable. Concerning the distribution of partially transfered metal in fetus, outstanding accumulations were observed in adrenal, spleen and testis, and secondly thicker concentrations were seen in liver and bone. The distribution pattern in fetus was not similar to that of dam, and rather thicker concentrations of 115mCd were observed in fetal spleen, bone, adrenal and brain, comparing with the corresponding organs of dam.<br>In conclusion, cadmium introduced in dam body was transfered partially to fetus through placenta and was distributed in many parts of fetal body.


  • 食品衛生学雑誌

    食品衛生学雑誌 16 (4), 271-274_1, 1975

    公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会

被引用文献 (1)*注記



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