Usage of Nocturnal LANDSAT/TM Thermal Images in Analysis of Thermal Belt Formation. A case study on the southern slope of Mt. Akagi.

  • INANAGA Asako
    Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan
  • MIKAMI Takehiko
    Department of Geography, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University
  • WATANABE Makiko
    Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • NAKAYAMA Yasunori
    Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan

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Other Title
  • 斜面温暖帯形成要因分析へのLANDSAT/TM夜間熱赤外画像の利用  赤城山南斜面における事例
  • シャメン オンダンタイ ケイセイ ヨウイン ブンセキ エ ノ LANDSAT TM ヤカン ネツ セキガイ ガゾウ ノ リヨウ アカギサン ミナミシャメン ニ オケル ジレイ
  • A case study on the southern slope of Mt. Akagi
  • 赤城山南斜面における事例

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In order to examine the usefulness of thermal images in analysis of thermal belt formation, eleven nocturnal LANDSAT/ TM thermal images of the southern slope of Mt. Akagi at the northern edge of Kanto Plain in central Japan were analyzed. Nine images have the higher LST (land surface temperature) on the mid-slope, which is always accompanied with LST difference due to land cover difference (forest dominating the mid-slope and the higher part of the slope has surface temperature higher than other land use categories), but appears with LST inversion in only two images. Because only the LST inversion may reflect thermal belt, these two elements must be separated before the image is used in analysis of thermal belt formation. The two images with LST inversion were acquired under similar meteorological conditions which should be considered as one of the possible factors of thermal belt formation.


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