

  • Experience of Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in the Rokugo Alluvial Fan, Akita Prefecture
  • 六郷扇状地における地下水人工涵養の実施と成果
  • ロクゴウ センジョウチ ニ オケル チカスイ ジンコウ カンヨウ ノ ジッシ ト セイカ



The Rokugo alluvial fan lies around 39° 25' N and 140° 34' E in northern Japan. The distance between the proximal fan at 90 meters above sea level and the distal fan at 45 meters is about four kilometers. The unconfined aquifer of the fan consists mainly of gravel and sand. Four artificial recharge basins were constructed on the central part of the fan. Observation in struments are wells and piezometers installed in depths of 20 m and 50 m. In this paper, the author discusses the effects of artificial recharge using the basin No.2 at the center of the fan. The recharge experience was done during the period when ground water level was affected by melting snow, from April 8 to May 2, 1998. Results obtained are as follows : first, artificial recharging caused a rise in the hydraulic head, which was related to the Rokugo town area situated on the distal fan, and second, because the author supplied the basin No.2 with water with a low water temperature after snow melted, the characteristic phenomenon of ground water temperature was recorded by piezometers in a depth of 20 m at both sites of central and distal fan. Consideration of this point is a theme for future studies. As a synthetic judgment, the artificial recharge of ground water contributes to sustainable aquifer management in the alluvial fan.


  • 地学雑誌

    地学雑誌 116 (1), 23-30, 2007

    公益社団法人 東京地学協会

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