Role of Review Journal in the Journal Communities(<Special feature>The current state of review journal)

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  • ジャーナル共同体におけるレビュー誌の役割(<特集>レビュー誌の現在)
  • ジャーナル共同体におけるレビュー誌の役割
  • ジャーナル キョウドウタイ ニ オケル レビューシ ノ ヤクワリ

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To consider the meaning of "Review Journal", the present paper examines the following two questions; 1) What is the "reviewed, original products"?; 2) What does it mean "to be reviewed"? For the first question, the concept of Journal Community makes it understandable to think about "reviewed, original products". Moreover, consideration on the citation system makes it possible to analyze the meaning of "to be reviewed". By reviewing (citation), the target paper change the meaning in the system of original papers and the review paper play a role as a "compass" for the following papers.



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