Two Cases of Invasive Aspergillosis of the Sphenoid Sinus treated with Voriconazole

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  • ボリコナゾールが著効した蝶形骨洞侵襲型アスペルギルス症の2例
  • リンショウ ボリコナゾール ガ チョコウシタ チョウケイコツドウ シンシュウガタ アスペルギルスショウ ノ 2レイ

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Invasive aspergillosisis of the sphenoid sinus easily causes severe complications due to the anatomical position of the sinus. Thus, invasive aspergillosis of the sphenoid sinus is known to have a poor prognosis. We report two cases showing good results following endoscopic sinus surgery and voriconazole treatment.<br>Case 1 was a 78-year-old male, and the chief complaint was ache in the left eye, decrease in the left eyesight with field of vision stricture. We performed endoscopic sphenoidectomy and administered Micafungin sodium, but the symptoms recurred. After changing to voriconazole, a good result was obtained.<br>Case 2 was an 80-year-old male, and the chief complaint was descensus of both eyelids and obstruction of ocular movement. We performed endoscopic sphenoidectomy and the voriconazole dosage. The patient have not been recurred yet.<br>With an early diagnosis, invasive aspergillosis of the sphenoid sinus can be treated by endoscopic sinus surgery and voriconazole therapy. Voriconazole may be to the first choice of anti-fungul drugs for invasive aspergillosis of sphenoid sinus.


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