A Case of Pulmonary Metastases of an Ameloblastoma of the Maxilla

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  • 肺転移をきたした上顎骨エナメル上皮腫例
  • リンショウ ハイ テンイ オ キタシタ ウワアゴコツ エナメル ジョウヒ シュレイ

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The ameloblastoma is one of the odontogenic tumors, with its particular origin in the mandible. We encountered a patient who had pulmonary metastases after the treatment of a recurrent ameloblastoma of the maxilla.<br> A 68-year-old man was referred to our institute with recurrent nasal bleeding and a nasal cavity tumor in 2004. The mass was resected as a biopsy and the diagnosis based on the histopathological findings was an ameloblastoma. The patient subsequently underwent a total maxillectomy with surrounding tissue and skin grafting.<br> Five months after the initial resection, multiple masses were noticed in the bilateral lungs. A left lower lobectomy was performed, and the histopathology revealed recurrent metastases from the ameloblastoma of the maxilla. One year and five months after the lobectomy, the patient’s condition is good with no evidence of disease.<br>



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