冠拡張薬トラピミンの薬理作用  II  作用機序の解析


  • Pharmacology of trapymin (2). Analysis of mode of action.
  • カン カクチョウヤク Trapymin ノ ヤクリ サヨウ 2 サヨウ キジョ



Trapymin (TM) relaxed excised renal, coronary, pulmonary, femoral and mesenteric arteries and this relaxation was not antagonized by propranolol. The dose-response curve of TM was parallel to that of nitroglycerin and papaverine and steeper than that of dipyridamol or adenosine. TM exerted inotropic and chronotropic actions on excised rat atrium. TM was also effective through the oral route and the effectiveness tended to decrease slightly after repeated use for ten days. TM was effective on vasopressin induced angina in rats and elect rocoagulation induced myocardial infarction. TM suppressed adrenaline-induced arrhythmia but not CaCl2-induced arrhythmia. TM reduced cate cholamine content in brain, adrenals and heart but had no influence on monoamine oxidase or do pamine-β-hydroxylase. TM revealed ganglion-blocking and neuron-blocking actions in cervical gang lion in cats. With propranolol, TM-induced hyperglycemia and reduction in glycogen content in liver and heart was antagonized but TM-induced rise in free fatty acid in serum was not antagonized. Na+-K+ dependent ATPase of bovine heart and P/O ratio of mitochondria of rat heart was not influenced by TM. ADP-induced aggregation of platelets was antagonized by TM. These data indicate that TM induced coronary dilation is partly due to a papaverine like action and also to ganglion blocking, neuron-blocking and anti-adrenergic actions. On the other hand, TM possessed cate cholamine release and cardiotonic action as related to β-receptors.


  • 日本薬理学雑誌

    日本薬理学雑誌 71 (7), 727-738, 1975

    公益社団法人 日本薬理学会


詳細情報 詳細情報について

