Quinone monoxim methyletherの藥理學的研究


  • The pharmacology of quinone monoxim methylether
  • Quinone monoxin methylether ノ ヤクリガクテキ ケンキュウ 2 ジュンカンケイ , コキュウ オヨビカツヘイキン ゾウキ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ
  • II. The influence on the circulatory system, respiration, and smooth muscle organs
  • 第II報 循環系, 呼吸及び滑平筋臓器に及ぼす影響



This drug causes a rise in the blood pressure of rabbit. The site of the action is believed to be in the vagal center. The blood-vessels of the rabbit's ear are either dilated or constricted. The frog's heart in situ is generally depressed with eventual heart-block. In the experiment on the isolated heart in toto and on the sinus preparations this is also the case, while the strips of ventricular muscles are stimulated by a low concentration of it. The inhibitory action on the isolated heart may be ascribed to the decreased irritability of the excitomotor area, and partially to the effect either on the heart muscle or on the parasympathetic nerve. The action on the isolated rabbit's heart is similar to that on the frog's. On the respiration this drug exerts a stimulant action and on the isolated intestine and uterus (rabbit and dog) a depressant but sometimes stimulant action. These actions seem to be atributable mainly to the effect on the muscle itself and in part to the effect on the parasympathetic mechanism.


  • 日本薬理学雑誌

    日本薬理学雑誌 47 (3-4), 103-107,en7, 1951

    公益社団法人 日本薬理学会


詳細情報 詳細情報について

