Effect of emergence times and shading conditions on growth, seed production, and seed size of tropical spiderwort (Commelina benghalensis L.)

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We investigated the seed size, growth, and seed production of tropical spiderwort (Commelina benghalensis L.), an annual weed in the Commelinaceae, under different emergence times and shading conditions. This species produces two types of seeds in capsules on its aerial and subterranean parts. We compared the sizes of a larger seed in the posticous locule of indehiscence and two to four smaller seeds in the anticous locule of a capsule. The large subterranean seeds were the longest, widest, and thickest of all the types of seeds, whereas the small aerial seeds were the shortest, narrowest, and thinnest. The plants that emerged from the aerial seeds in June were the tallest and had the most primary branches of those that emerged from March to September, reaching a maximum length of about 98 cm and having 12 branches per plant. The plants that emerged in May produced flowers the quickest, 21 days, and the plants that emerged in September took the longest, 42 days. It took 80 days for the plants that emerged in May to drop their seeds, which was the longest period, although seeds were not produced in those that emerged in September. Aerial seed production was the highest in the plants that emerged in April, producing about 720 large and 2,300 small seeds per plant. These April plants also produced the most inflorescences and large and small seeds born in the soil. The plants grown under 82% relative light intensity had the longest plant lengths and the most primary branches of all of the plants grown under shading or non-shading conditions, reaching about 54 cm length and having six branches per plant. These plants also produced the most aerial seeds, as each plant produced about 71 large and 143 small seeds, and the most inflorescences and large and small seeds born in the soil.


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