Isometric Push and Pull Strengths of Young Taiwanese Males

  • CHEN Yi-Lang
    Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mingchi University of Technology
  • LEE Yu-Chi
    Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University
  • HSU Tin-Chi
    Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mingchi University of Technology

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This study recruited 30 young Taiwanese males to determine the horizontally maximum isometric pushing and pulling strengths under 16 exertion heights and four handle-foot horizontal distances. This study shows that isometric push and pull strengths as measured on a simulated frictional floor condition in Taiwanese hypermarkets were markedly lower than previous tests using high-traction flooring or anchoring participant’s feet. Pushing strengths were always higher than pulling in all 64 task combinations, whereas no significant differences were present at heights of 30–60 cm. When considering maximum push and pull force demands, the optimal heights for such activities would be 50–90 cm (approximately ranged from the knee to hip position). The push and pull strength profiles identified in this study must be used appropriately, considering the real task situations.<br>


  • Industrial Health

    Industrial Health 49 (6), 696-702, 2011

    National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

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