Neurobiology of the Edg2 Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor.

  • Yoshida Akira
    Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Neuroscience, Nagasaki University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Ueda Hiroshi
    Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Neuroscience, Nagasaki University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Other Title
  • Current Perspective Neurobiology of the Edg2 Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor

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Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA, 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate) is a well-known lipid growth factor that is found widely in various tissues including brain and is reported to drive different intracellular signaling pathways. In the nervous system, LPA studies have drawn many neuroscientists’ attention because it has some actions related to neurogenesis such as cell rounding and proliferation. Remarkable advances in this field have been obtained along with the discovery of the cDNA clone for its receptor, vzg1/edg2, a member of the seven transmembrane-type edg family. Successive studies have revealed that edg2 activation by LPA mediates several neurobiological actions related to neurogenesis, neuronal excitability and survival activity on developing and postnatal neurons. Here we focused their molecular basis of signaling through G proteins and in vivo roles of edg2 in such neurobiological events.


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