

  • “Ascription” in the “Achievement Society”
  • ギョウセキ シュギ シャカイ ノ ナカ ノ ゾクセイ シュギ



Almost all the sociologists who maintained the modernization theory insisted that “ascription” would disappear or barely remain as “achievement” became predominant. Even now, this thesis is supported by many people. Such is the modernization theories' paradigm, and we can find this paradigm in many sociological theories such as Linton's, Tonnies', Durkheim's, Parsons'……<BR>Now we are in the “achievement society”, in which achievement becomes the most powerful principle for distribution and allocation, and in which almost all the members become achievement-oriented. However, when we observe the actual with full attention, we can find unexpectedly the fact that there scarcely exists “achievement” in the strict sense and that many social problems related to “ascription” newly come on the scene.<BR>We can find out two new fields for sociological investigation. The first is the “achieved ascription” that is the achievement which changed into ascription (e.g. credentialism). The second is the “ascribed achievement” that is the achievement supported by ascription (e.g. competition for achievement under the influence of language, ethnicity, social class….) <BR>R. Linton and T. Parsons gave definitions of “Achievement” and “Ascription”. But Parsons later modified his terminology and converted Achievement/Ascription into Performance/Quality. Between Linton' s definition and Parsons', there is a subtle difference. When we try to cross two axes (Linton's Achievement-Ascription. and Parsons' Achievement -Ascription), we can discover four fields : <BR>(I) L (Linton) -Achievement & P (Parsons) -Achievement, (II) L-Achievement & P-Ascription, <BR>(III) L-Ascription & P-Ascription, <BR>(IV) L-Ascription & P-Achievement.<BR>In many sociological theories, I and III are analyzed explicitly, but II and IV are covert or are not indicated clearly. We can call II “achieved ascription” and IV “ascribed achievement”. These two are the fields which are in need of the most vigorous investigation in modern sociology.


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