

  • Quantitative changes of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) heartwood extractives by a high-temperature drying process
  • コウオン カンソウ ニ ヨル スギザイ シンザイ チュウシュツ セイブン ノ リョウテキ ヘンドウ



The extractives were quantitatively analyzed on heartwood samples cut from sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) square timbers dried under the processes of air drying and a high-temperature kiln drying (average temp. 105°C, maximum temp. 120°C). The residual terpenoids of the kiln-dried heartwood samples were smaller than those of the air-dried heartwood samples. No epicubebol or cubebol was determined although some quantities of other terpenoids were remained after the high-temperature kiln drying process. The quantitative change patterns of norlignans of sugi black heartwoods were different from those of sugi red heartwoods. The quantities of norlignans of black heartwoods after the kiln drying process were larger than those after the air drying process. It is as-sumed that no or less oxidation of the norlignans occurred under the kiln drying process. The amount of norlignans tended to increase in the end part more than in the center part of timber hav-ing red heartwood. This result suggested that the norlignans easily moved to the end part accompa-nying water movement along the grain of the timber during the high-temperature kiln drying proc-ess because these compounds were more hydrophillic than terpenoids.


  • 木材保存

    木材保存 32 (5), 196-202, 2006

    公益社団法人 日本木材保存協会

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