Analysis of the Essential Metals in Serum, Whole Blood and Urine of Patients with Pruritus.

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  • そうようを有する皮膚疾患における生体内金属動態の検索


In order to analyze the correlations between essential metals and the severity of pruritus, we measured the Ca, P, Mg, Zn, Fe and Cu levels in the serum, whole blood and urine of patients with pruritic skin diseases. The investigated skin diseases included: (I) eczema, atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis, (II) acute and chronic urticaria, (III) localized and generalized pruritus. In addition, we also determined the in vivo heavy metal concentrations at one time prior to treatment of the diseases while also investigating the changes in their concentrations over time after drug treatment was started. In this way, we were able to monitor the in vivo kinetics of those heavy metals both before and after the treatment of various pruritic skin diseases. The serum Cu level and the serum Cu/Zn ratio in group (III) significantly increased in comparison to the healthy volunteers. These changes also showed a good correlation with the severity of pruritus. These results suggest that increases in the serum Cu level and serum Cu/Zn ratio may thus be involved in the mechanism of pruritus in various skin diseases.


  • Nishi Nihon Hifuka

    Nishi Nihon Hifuka 59 (1), 71-78, 1997

    Western Division of Japanese Dermatological Association


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