A Case of Labial Adhesion

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  • 苔癬化反応を認めた陰唇癒着症の 1 例
  • 症例 苔癬化反応を認めた陰唇癒着症の1例
  • ショウレイ タイセンカ ハンノウ オ ミトメタ イン シン ユチャクショウ ノ 1レイ

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We report the case of an 80-year-old woman who experienced labial adhesion. Approximately 2 years prior to her first visit to our dermatology department, she had visited the urology department due to difficulty of urination. At that time, labial adhesion was detected, for which she was referred to the dermatology department of a nearby general hospital. A histopathological study of the biopsy specimen indicated lichenoid reaction. Since then, she was being treated with topical steroids ; however, her symptoms did not improve with the treatment. Therefore, she was referred to our department. On examination, the labia of both sides were completely coalesced, and a pinhole fistula was observed at the median. We made a diagnosis of labial adhesion and performed a simple vulvectomy. Labial adhesion was thought to be caused by labial erosion due to poor local hygiene, infection and inflammation. In this case, we presumed that the labial adhesion was caused by persistent lichenoid reaction of the vulva. This report discusses pathological findings of this case and reviews literature findings.


  • Nishi Nihon Hifuka

    Nishi Nihon Hifuka 76 (4), 317-323, 2014

    Western Division of Japanese Dermatological Association


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