

  • Time Series of AE Events during Creep in Ohshima Granite
  • オオシマ カコウガン ニ オケル クリープジ ノ AE ハッセイ ジケイレツ



Time series of AE events during uniaxial creep in Ohshima granite were investigated. We determined both the origin time and the magnitude of AE events simultaneously by using the microcomputer equipped system. First, we analyzed the occurrence of AE events graphically. It is apparent that there were no aftershock sequences as observed in the occurrence of earthquakes. Second, we studied whether the occurrence of AE events is the Poisson process or not by taking into account of their magnitude. By plotting the exponential probability of time intervals between consecutive events, we were able to test it graphically. We also tested it by means of the χ2-test. The test shows that during the secondary creep the occurrence of AE events is the Poisson process unrelated to their magnitude. During the stage of tertiary creep, while the occurrence of large AE events was the Poisson process except when the catastrophe was imminent, the occurrence of smaller AE events began to deviate from the Poisson process. In order to predict forthcoming instability, we tried to analyze time-interval distribution of large AE events by plotting them on Weibull probability paper. This revealed that the AE occurrence changed from being random to being periodic just prior to the main fracture.


  • 地震 第2輯

    地震 第2輯 38 (2), 159-172, 1985

    公益社団法人 日本地震学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

